Wednesday, March 4, 2009

it's so easy to fall in sludge!

this is a public service announcement! be sure to type carefully while surfing around the interslice. Just moments ago, while attempting to visit danny's blog, i did what i normally do to accomplish such a task: i typed the address into the address bar and hit return. little did i know that due to my careless typing i was headed towards a most unexpected website!

type in and you will arrive at danny's blog and be bombarded by RBI scores, pictures of a few most-excellent bands and cheerleading squads.

type in, however, and you will arrive at an extremely fundamentalist christian bible website!

i know what you're thinking: "grant! how did you escape their fiendish bible thumping ways and escape with your ideology intact?!" well, due to years of internet pornography viewing , i am pretty much entirely desensitized to internet propaganda ( this is also, i imagine, the reason for my avoidance of "favorites" and history-saving options provided by web browsers. both of which would have helped me avoid this entire hornet's nest!). a less jaded viewer may not be so lucky. so unless you are a seasoned virtupervert, please type with care!

1 comment:

  1. One time I accidentally entered in "rdanthology.blogsir.dude" and found myself at a blog that I thought was Danny's, but turns out it was from a similar man to Danny but in Italy.
