Wednesday, April 22, 2009

new additions to our happy home!

i've got new stuff to show everyone! the first is a most excellent purchase which went most splendidly with last night's 11-4 philly victory over the brewers.

guess what that is! for propriety's sake i'll stick to the rules laid down in the shop and not explicitly name this device! suffice to say that it is a beaker bottomed, hand-painted, philadelphia world series champions 2008 edition something! everyone come over and enjoy it while we root for the phils!

the next addition is even cooler, if you can believe it! meet Madison (a little on the nose, don't you think?)

she's our 11 month old german shepherd newly adopted from the de humane association. she's a real sweetheart. smart, well behaved and everything! this kind of dog you've got to feed everyday.

so everyone should come over, enjoy partyin' with the phils, and play with the new puppy-dog! i'm gonna teach her to catch a frisbee. more pictures to come, i'm sure!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

anybody know the good surf spots where the locals won't beat me up?

the interslice is fucking boring!

with the clear exception of the madison underground internet grapevine and my various personal spaces, the internet seems to have very little to offer me! i ain't about to quit it, but no amount of searching for interesting new sites has helped. ebay is only good if i want something. myspace only causes problems (that goes double for facebook). i don't have the patience for youtube unless explicitly directed to a certain video. viceland, though funny, fills me with a loathing for hipsters which then borders on self loathing because i'm the one who's fucking looking at it! i've even begun considering enrolling in online college because, damn it, i'm an internet junky and i need a fix!

so please, my friends, enlighten me. am i just too jaded to enjoy the internet realm beyond your blogs and pornography? (to clarify:not your blogs and your pornography. your blogs and the pornography of others. although...) send me links to funny/interesting/pertintant websites! what pages do you visit while goofing off at work? where do you find valuable information about things you care about? when you crave the wave of the slice, where does the tide take you?

lemme know! i'm bored and it's late!